Now that the poles have been concreted in the guys have been very busy putting up the roof members. The big rafters are spanning gaps of up to 6 metres. These were actually pretty hard to find because they're an unusual spec (i.e.300x50mm, gauged, kiln dried H3.2). I'll try and explain what it all means:
- 300x50 is required to provide enough rigidity and strength over the span (as per NZS3604)
- Gauged means smoothed and planed off to an even dimension all around
- Kiln dried means it's been force dried so that it won't bow or twist once it's gone up
- H3.2 is treated for outside exposure. If the rafters remained 100% inside the walls then we could have gone with H3.1 which was more readily available but then we lost the integral verandahs.
The purlins (the ones that go across the roof) are 250 x 50 gauged, kiln dried, H3.2 and they're spanning up to 3.5 metres in places.
This is different from most houses because we're not using trusses to support the roof. Trusses are strong and easy to make offsite from standard 100x50 timber but they didn't give us the high raking ceilings that we wanted. We needed something that could support the roof, thick insulation and ceiling yet remain stiff enough to span the width of a room.
Changing plans already

Stay tuned for photos of the finished roof...
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